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Why Owning a Pet Can Boost Your Profile on Dating Apps

Damon Harris
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

According to a study by OkCupid, over 80% of users on the app like dogs and cats, and the number of dog mentions in profiles has increased by a whopping 422% since 2017. Tinder users also respond well to photos that include animals, with approximately 10% of both men and women featuring dogs in their profile pictures.

It’s not only about your dog

But it's not just about having a cute dog in your photo! A study by Webbox found that women with dogs in their profiles received 117% more matches, 150% more messages, 100% more super likes, and 122% more total interactions. Men with dogs in their profiles also had an advantage, receiving 30% more matches, 75% more messages, 200% more super likes, and 53% more total interactions.

How to take pictures with your pet

  1. Use natural lighting: When taking photos with your pet, it's important to use natural lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Try taking photos outside during golden hour (the hour after sunrise or before sunset) when the light is soft and flattering.
  2. Capture candid moments: Instead of forcing your pet to pose for the camera, try capturing candid moments of them playing or snuggling with you. These photos will look more natural and showcase the bond between you and your pet.
  3. Get down to their level: To create a more intimate and engaging photo, try getting down to your pet's level. This will give the photo a different perspective and make it look more personal.
  4. Use treats and toys: To keep your pet engaged and focused, try using treats or toys during the photoshoot. This will help capture their attention and create fun and playful moments.
  5. Take multiple shots: Don't be afraid to take multiple shots to capture the perfect photo. Pets can be unpredictable, so taking several shots will give you a better chance of getting a great photo.


In conclusion, showcasing your love for your furry friend could be the key to finding love on dating apps. Not only do pets make you appear more approachable and likable, but they can also provide an easy conversation starter for potential matches. So, next time you're updating your dating profile, don't forget to include a photo of you and your pet. Who knows, it could be the start of a beautiful relationship – for both you and your furry companion.

Damon Harris
11 Jan 2022
5 min read