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Black and White Photography: The Secret to Dramatic Photos on Dating Apps

Damon Harris
11 Jan 2022
5 min read


In the world of online dating, it can be tough to stand out from the crowd. That's why choosing the right profile picture is so important. While colorful and vibrant photos may catch the eye, black and white photography is a secret weapon that can add a touch of drama and sophistication to your profile. In this blog post, we'll explore why black and white photography is so effective and how it can help you get more matches on dating apps.

The Dramatic Effect of Black and White Photography

Black and white photography has been around for over a century, and it remains a popular technique to this day. One of the reasons for its enduring appeal is its ability to create a dramatic effect that is impossible to achieve with color photography. The deep contrasts and moody tones of black and white photos make them stand out and add a touch of sophistication to any profile. This is why many professional photographers use black and white photography in their portfolios.

The Popularity of Black and White Photos on Dating Apps

According to Hinge's data, black and white photos are 106% more likely to receive a like on their platform. This suggests that users are drawn to the dramatic effect of black and white photography, and that it can be an effective way to catch someone's eye on a dating app.

To add a black and white touch to a photo, you can convert a color photo to black and white using photo editing software. This can be easily done using the edit feature in your iPhone camera roll. Once in the edit screen, you can adjust the contrast, brightness, and other settings to create the desired effect.

black and white pics

The Power of Black and White Photography for Your Profile

So to recap:

  • Black and white photography creates a dramatic effect that adds sophistication to any profile.
  • They are 106% more likely to receive a like on Hinge, suggesting their popularity among dating app users.
  • It is a powerful technique that can make your profile stand out and create a moody, mysterious atmosphere.

In conclusion, black and white photography is a powerful technique that can add a touch of drama and sophistication to your profile on dating apps. Its ability to create a moody and mysterious atmosphere is unmatched, making it a popular choice among professional photographers and casual users alike. So, next time you're selecting a photo for your dating profile, consider the power of black and white photography and how it can help you stand out from the crowd.

Damon Harris
11 Jan 2022
5 min read